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About Me

The Owner - Ena Foreman

My initial interest in pet sitting started in my teenage years when my family had to hire a pet sitter when we went on vacation. Then I thought, "I can get paid to love animals?!" Ok, I'm not all about the money, but my reasons for petsitting are solid: 1) I love animals, 2) I like helping people out, 3) I know how stressful it can be to worry about leaving your best friend behind, and 4) it helps fund my favorite, most-expensive hobby I couldn't live without, called horse ownership! 

I started pet-sitting for a few local family friends in college, and it grew from there! Since I'm just one gal with one of those dang full-time desk jobs to pay the bills, I pet sit as a side hustle to ensure my 4-legged children can have nicer things than me. 


Dog and Cat Experience

My family has always had a dog in the house, and for my 10th birthday, my parents surprised me with the best German Shorthaired Pointer ever, Chase. You could always find us in the backyard doing agility. While I never had a cat until college, I always loved them, and now I have 2! While in college, I rescued my Gremlin (named only because she's the queen of mischief) as a feral barn kitten who has been running the house ever since.


Since I started pet-sitting, I've had the opportunity to care for many breeds, from Jack Russel Terriers to Labrodoodles to Pitties and everything and every mix in between! I love meeting new cats and dogs, and learning their personalities and quirks! 

Horse and Farm Experience

I was bitten by the horse bug when I was five years old. I grew up taking riding lessons and working them off when I could. Throughout high school and college, I worked at several horse stables, from lesson barns to professional training stables, helping clean stalls, feed, turn in and out, stack hay, you name it. In 2016, I finally got my own horse, a spicy OTTB named Keera. Just when I thought I had a good horse-knowledge foundation, she taught me much more about horse ownership, riding, appreciation, and listening to animals. 

In my seven years as a pet sitter, I have been entrusted with looking over farms with all kinds of animals, from cows, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, donkeys, and horses. I am comfortable around a variety of farm animals and am happy to learn your farm's routine so you can have a stress-free break.  



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